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À l´OEIL NU, BI_CONVEX VERTICAL, Stainless steel, brass, ice, 175 cm x 60 cm x 70 cm, 2018


LOOP, stainless steel, oil paint on aluminum, 320 x 150x130 cm, 2016

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À l´OEIL NU, PICO  and BI-CONVEX, 2016


À l´OEIL NU, PICO, 20 cm x 20 cm x 40 cm, 2016

À l´OEIL NU, PICO, detail, 20 cm x 20 cm x 40 cm, 2016

À l´OEIL NU, PICO Bi-convex, close up, 30 cm x 20 cm x 40 cm, 2016

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À l´OEIL NU, Bi-convex ,Stainless steel, brass, ice, 65 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm, 2016

À l´OEIL NU, Bi-convex ,Stainless steel, brass, ice, 65 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm, 2016


À l´OEIL NU, Bi-convex open,Stainless steel, brass, ice, 65 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm, 2016

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À l´OEIL NU, Bi-convex vertical, Stainless steel, brass, ice, 175 cm x 60 cm x 70 cm, 2016


À l´OEIL NU close up, Bi-convex vertical, Stainless steel, brass, ice, 175 cm x 60 cm x 70 cm, 2016


À l´OEIL NU,close up, Bi-convex vertical, Stainless steel, brass, ice, 175 cm x 60 cm x 70 cm, 2016


CATCHING THE WIND: PORTUGAL, amphitheatre view of projection on black board, 2016,


CATCHING THE WIND: PORTUGAL, amphitheatre view of projection on black board, 2016,

CATCHING THE WIND: PORTUGAL, video hd, 10 min. loop, 2016,



MUNHAC (Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Lisbon) presents the first exhibition in the premises of the Museum, by Annabelle Moreau and María Roldán.

The first collaboration by the French and Colombian artists in Portugal.
Annabelle Moreau and María Roldán´s exhibition explores the relationships between presence and absence, temporal and permanent, the mutation of states and the dispersion of matter within the space of MUNHAC.
For this exhibition the artists have decided to investigate Lens, their effect upon what is looked at, the transformation process and intangible realities.
RÉFLEXION RÉVERSIBLE presents two main lenses facing each other inviting the viewer to wonder upon the nature of the objects and their relationship.
A L´OEIL NU presents ice lenses distributed throughout the experimental laboratory encapsulated in seemingly optical devices revealing every stage of transformation through the day. The object disappears leaving a trace of its passage.

CATCHING THE WIND: PORTUGAL is featuring a film made by the two artists projected in the Amphitheatre of the Museum including a sound composition created by Portuguese artist Silvio Rosado. This third project travelled through different locations in Portugal looking out for the wind.
Laboratoire Expérimental captivates visitors into the quest of discoveries, unravelling transformations and ephemeral states. The viewer oscillates between states of wonder in the
acknowledgment of self and space.

Supported by: Jim and Cecilia Herbert San Francisco CA, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, MUNHAC, Institut Français & Ambassade de France au Portugal, Embajada de Colombia en Portugal, ARCO Lisboa, João Portugal Ramos Vinhos

All images copyright @ Annabelle Moreau 2019

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